Dr. C. K. Mahadevan (born in 1958), hailing from Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India, has
acquired his B.Sc. (in 1978 from Madurai Kamaraj University), M.Sc. (in 1980 from University of
Madras), Ph.D. (in 1984 from I.I.T. Madras) and D.Sc. (in 2002 from Madurai Kamaraj University)
degrees in Physics. Apart from serving for some time in different places in India, USA and China,
he had his (major) service in S. T. Hindu College, Nagercoil for more than 26 years. Currently, he
is a CSIR Emeritus Scientist in the Physics Department of Bharathidasan University, Trichy.
He has more than 32 years teaching experience (taught B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D.
Students) and more than 38 years research experience [Guided 2 Research Associates and (more
than) 40 Ph.D., and 116 M.Phil. Scholars; Availed 12 Externally Funded Projects; Organized 11
Regional/National Seminars/Conferences; Published 2 Review Articles and 225 Research Papers in
International Journals; Published 142 Articles in Proceedings and other journals; Published 1 Book
Chapter, 4 Text Books and 8 other Books; Filed 12 Patents; and Presented 595 Papers (mostly
through Ph.D. Scholars) and 77 Invited/Keynote/Plenary Talks/Addresses in Conferences]. His
major research area is Solid State Materials [Preparation and characterization of new and hybrid
(doped/mixed) crystalline and nanostructured materials to explore potential applications].
He is a winner of several coveted awards like Best Book Authorship Award (1995), Best
Teacher Award (2008-2009) and Best Scientist Award (TANSA) (2008) from the Tamil Nadu State
Government; Research Award (2006) from UGC; Prof. P. Ramasamy National Award for Crystal
Growth (2006) from IACG; Academic Achievement Award (2010) from KAAS; Lifetime Achiever’s
Award (2012) from SAA and 20 Best Paper Presentation Awards (through Ph.D. Scholars). He has
been selected as one of the Eminent Personalities of India by the International Biographical
Research Foundation, India.
He has been elected as a Life Member of The National Academy of Sciences, India and a
Fellow of The Academy of Sciences, Chennai. He has served in several academic and research
related Committees and Boards; chaired sessions in 54 national/international conferences and
reviewed papers for 35 international journals. He has delivered several lectures in the Refresher
courses conducted by the Anna, Kerala and Pondicherry universities and in the neighboring
institutions to encourage research activity by the young teachers of colleges and universities. He has
visited foreign countries like USA, Singapore, China, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
Some of his special contributions to S. T. Hindu College are: (i) Developing the Physics
Department of S. T. Hindu College as a recognized Research Centre; (ii) Bringing to the College the
UGC’s Innovative Program (M.Sc. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology); (iii) Getting to the Physics
Department the PG Development Grant of UGC during the VIII, IX, X and XI Five Year Plan
periods; (iv) Getting the FIST-DST grant to the College; etc.